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The owner and ad agency both wanted a flash animation. I thought that having a non-framed opening page would be a better place to put the flash. This way I could put all of the keywords in place for the spyders before going into the frames. As far as the signiture file goes. That is free advertising for me. Not everyone is such a tough audience to sell to. If someone visits this site that will be advertised on TV, I just might pick up some new clients that will not have an ad agency. Here is a client site that I'm working on. It still need more pictures of merchandise and content and is not done. [url=http://haciendaimports.net]http://haciendaimports.net[/url] . It blue stuco background started out as a light brown but the owner loves the color blue and had to have blue stuco. [url=http://www.wavmixer.com] [img]http://www.wavmixer.com/images/water_wav.gif[/img] [/url]
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