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Site Review #3 plz
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Sorry for the delay... I was away for a bit. As for why your double arrows turned into funky Korean characters, yup, it's encoding. Basically, you need to tell the client what language your document is encoded in. If you don't specify the encoding, the client will attempt to interpret it using its standard character set. This may not cause a problem for most people, but I live in Korea, and I have my system set up to work with Korean characters. Thus, when I come upon a page without encoding specified, all those special characters (this includes things like curved quotes, dashes, ellipses, etc.) get turned into really funky Korean characters--as far as my browser is concerned, they [b]are[/b] Korean characters. Don't take it too hard, though--an overwhelming majority of the sites I visit do not specify encoding, which means I have to right-click and then select the encoding myself so I can actually read the content (it's not just the special characters that get funkified, it's also the first letter following that character, so it makes the text a bit of a pain to read if there are a lot of special characters). In fact, the Asylum doesn't specify encoding either, so anytime someone decides to use proper typographical marks in a post, it gets all funkified (as soon as I get done with this post I'm going to mention this in the main forum...). Fortunately, the problem is easily solved (which makes me wonder why so few people bother to do it). The issue is mentioned briefy in our lovely [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1014] :FAQ:[/url], but you might profit more from some [url=http://www.w3.org/International/O-charset.html]internationalization information[/url] at the [url=http://www.w3.org/]W3C[/url]. I would just go with ISO-8859-1, which is pretty much the standard for English language documents (and also the encoding recommended in the FAQ). Hope that helps. You may never have to worry about this issue, but I guarantee you will make a better impression on foreign visitors. Personally, I'm always impressed when I see proper encoding--it shows me that the designer is not insular in his or her thinking, but considers the whole world when thinking about his or her audience.
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