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Site Review #3 plz
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I use lynx as my text browser, you could prolly find a version of lynx for windows. [edit] [url=http://lynx.browser.org/]http://lynx.browser.org/[/url] <-- quick search came up with lynx that works with windows.[/edit] I would say that it shows up OK. I think you need to add alt atributes to you images, they make no sence at all to me when I am browsing through with Lynx. You could also improve the usability of your site if you add something similar to: [code] <a href="#afternav" class="none">skip navigation</a> ... navigation code ... <a name="afternav" /> [/code] and for your style sheet: [code] .none { display: none; } [/code] That would allow me to skip the navigation if I don't want to use it, saving me a bunch of key stokes, and at the same time that information doesn't show up to a browser that properly supports CSS. It is good practice all around, makes the browsing experience far more accessible. I have to say that I am still having a bit of trouble with the proper display of your site under Mozilla. As the links travel outsize of your Nav image again. But ignoring text your page is starting to come togeather nicely. For you corner image, I think it would be cooler if it expanded out past the white content container a little so that it would look like it was holding the container in place as oposed to resting on top of it. This last one is a bit nit picky, and might be hard to implement using only CSS, so it might not be feasible. It is only a sugesting, this desing is looking better. It is starting to come along, I can't wait until it gets more work done to it. [url=http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Stu/dcurran] [img]http://www.sinc.stonybrook.edu/Stu/dcurran/siggy_004.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by WarMage (edited 01-16-2003).]
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