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Um, I don't quite see how most of the problems are my monitor settings. Blue on black is a horrible choice no matter what your monitor settings may be. And the link color is the same as the text color. How are my monitor settings going to fix that? What bothers me about the navigation? Well, basically the fact that it is split up into two rows, one on the top left and one on the bottom right. I just don't understand why. That and the fact that it is frames--I'm just not a big fan of frames (and it doesn't look to pretty with the variety of backgrounds you have on the different content pages). Just because I don't like it doesn't mean you should revise it, though. If it were my site, I would go a totally different route. But it's not my site. By the way, I [b]detest[/b] your new splash page. At least with the old one I could click away from it quickly, but now you are forcing visitors to sit through a slow scrolling, self-aggrandizing speech? Which brings me to another point. I understand that this extreme arrogance may be your site "persona," but I find it to be an incredible turn off. Couple this arrogance with your spelling mistakes, and it makes you look like a thirteen year old kid. If I had been visiting your site as a regular visitor (ie, not as a reviewer), I would have been gone after about two seconds of that intro (with no way to skip it). Even if I had made it inside, the forum would have been enough to send me on my way. This is just me, and not everyone is like me (thank God). But you might want to consider what sort of impact your persona will have on site visitors.
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