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Actually Suho, Blue on black might be quite clear to him and I'm not talking about the monitor settings. I've had a very similar thing come up with a friend of mine. He too was writing a webpage and had a manu bar that was pure black #000000 with pure blue text #0000FF. My other housemate and I had serious problems trying to read the text, even on a nice bright LCD screen but to him it was quite clear. He could read the text from twice the distance away from the computer screen that we could. Anyways, to cut a shortish story even shorter, we got a bunch of other people to look at it and they all found it difficult to read bar a couple, one of which was colour blind. Guess what?... my friend discovered that he was actually slightly colour blind too. Nothing too major (at least he didn't have to hand back his drivers licence) but enough to make that blue appear just that little bit brighter than it would to most of us (I think he was classed as being slightly red-blue colour blind). There are theories that almost all of us are marginally colour blind, although it's so slight that we'll never actually notice though. Having said that, I must agree that blue on black = all bad. As for the rest?... eh. With a topic title like "The best sites ever" all I can really do is agree and smile inwardly. [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url]
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