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I can only agree with Venificuz's statement on font sizes, and in fact I want to add even more stress to his points if possible. As V said, it is impossible to permanently fix font sizes--and this is a good thing. The user [b]should[/b] have control over how large the font is on his or her screen--after all, it is the user who has to read the site, right? The fact that your first thought when faced with this problem was to fix font sizes shows a serious flaw in your design philosophy. First of all, it is impossible to make a web site look exactly the same in [b]every[/b] browser. Secondly, it is not the place of the designer to impose his or her will on hapless users. You must understand that everything but the structure and content of the site (in other words, "style" or "design") is only a [b]suggestion[/b] and these suggestions may be ignored by user agents (for example, text browsers or PDAs/mobile phones, etc.). I would recommend an article called [url=http://www.alistapart.com/stories/dao/]The Dao of Web Design[/url] as a bit of enlightening reading. While I'm not saying you should throw yourself headlong into John Allsopp's design philosophy, what he has to say should give you something to think about. The more I read and think about your site, the more I think you might want to look at starting this over with a different mindset. Right now you have a very specific image of what you want the website to look like, which is not bad in itself, but I don't think you are being flexible enough in your design. You need to let go a bit--don't try to nail everything down to the last pixel. As it stands, your design does not make much sense semantically, and it is focused more on presenting an [b]exact[/b] design image rather than presenting logically structured content. Sorry if this is all rather harsh and sudden, but your comment on fixing font sizes just floored me. It is your site, though, and if anything I have said helps you, run with it. If not, just consider this the raving of a madman who's been away from his beloved shock therapy for too long. ;-) [Edit: Incidentally, you might also want to follow this [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum8/HTML/000514.html]thread from the CSS forum[/url]. They're discussing liquid design.] [This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 02-14-2003).]
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