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online book formatting review please?
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JKMabry: Well thats really nicely done - I don't really have anything to comment on - nice code, simple layout, nice style switching, etc. A couple of thoughts: 1. I'm really not in favour of just having navigation in the form of drop down menus (DDMs) (as people can struggle with them - although your's aren't too bad) and you might want to add text navigation as well (pos. along the bottom of the page). 2. You might wna to consider some accessibility features like accesskey. 3. Having the DDMs submit onChange is bad for people who like to use their keyboard as much as possible with a DDM (get the focus and then use the up and down buttons to navigate. 4. I'm not enamoured of that green colour for footnotes - in a very cool calm layout/colour scheme it really jars. You might want to also think about toning down that red on the quotes as it draws the eye away from the text too much. 5. You might want to consider constraining the width of the page - I know users can do it but it seems overly long if done in a liquid manner. I'll allow you to sneak more whitespace in. Anyway really nice and understated - I like it a lot. I suppose my main problem would be with the DDMs but overall it works well. Nice stuff ;) ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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