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my first site for a client
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You might wanna go to the gurus and look at some tutes. [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/javascript/jsmenu/javascriptmenu.html]Simple Javascript-menu tutorial[/url] [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/javascript/jsadvmenu/jsadvmenu.html]Advanced Javascript-menu tutorial[/url] [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/javascript/javascript101/javascript101-1.html]Javascript 101 part1[/url] [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/javascript/javascript101c2/javascript101c2-1.html]Javascipt 101 part2[/url] I also sugest you to read this book: [url=http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/desingjs2]Designing with Javascript[/url] from [url=http://www.oreily.com]O'Reilly[/url]. It is easy to understand for non techies and it is not an "anti-techie book with stupid jokes" like those "whatever for Dummies" series. It is not a very 'in-depth' book but it will provide you with some good basic Javascript skills. Sorry for the last post, i read yours too fast. :o i do like the desing however. And here is point for your client what is the point for having an website when you don't put some (useful) info on it. I personally see it as an waste of time and money. Every website should be interesting for the group(s) at which it is targeted. Also a website should be inviting for it's users aka your client's clients. Furthermore if i wanted to buy a cement truck (oh i realy want to :p) i realy woul want to know, how many miles it has run, what it's capacity is, how heavy it is, what it's expected to cost and so on. I do not blame you however. I know how it is when you are short on info, i had a client once who ran a music agency at that time. And he told me he wanted to have a website. After 5 emails from me, he send me just one logo and it was wrong because it used the wrong colors he said. So i told him that i needed more info. A couple off weeks later we could finally meet. I asked him to bring some info about his company, some colors he liked , some info about his bands and so on. When he came to me he had brought some cd's, his card with his adress and he told me he liked bleu-ish colors. And i was supossed to build a database driven website, where bands could be booked online, where people could which band was booked in which weekend, which band would be a good combination with which other band. He also wanted an notifier on his cellphone when someone sended an order through the website. And all this should be generated from 4 promo cd's, a logo with the wrong colors and his adress card.... I did not even know where the site would be hosted. And what facilties the host would have. Hell i did not even know the adress from the hosting-provider's FTP server. After another couple of months he start complaining that the site was not up and running yet. I told him i wanted more info to work with, like prices for example. He thought i could let the site 'calculate the prices i said that still needed the info about how the prices are build up. Almost a year after the start i gave up on the site. So we ended up like this: I did not got him his site, he did not got me my money. So i kept all the already made desings. This whole thing was very frustrating. "Freedom of speech is by no means freedom to insult others" from the [url=http://razorart.com]Razorart [/url]goodbye letter.
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