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Aiming for something with a little more class, and a little more...gentle on the eyes than my previous version. As well as cleaner code. Slime - I think I got all the style incidents out. I don't use them as general practice, but often throw them in while troubleshooting. I try to go back and incorporate classes for whatever I needed, but don't always get them all ;) The lack of lines is something that was very deliberate, and while I can understand the dislike of such a thing, lines there would really alter the feel drastically, even if they were of a subtle color. Warmage - the categories and subcategories are in a list, but there were too many elements to the links themselves for me to bother trying to conform it to list structure. And with a CSS2 compliant browser, the text does in fact come before the list of people =) Shard - I wouldn't call it "mint" green, but I suppose on different monitors it may come across that way. And finally, suho - do you mean the 88x31 link buttons at the bottom? I remade the w3c buttons to fit, and I was thinking of trying out one of those pacity fader scripts for the others...never played with one of those though. We'll see =) Thanks for the comments guys, always good to hear what people think. {{edit - oh, and [quote]If so... way to be adventurous[/quote] hehe...I try. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... =) [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 02-27-2003).]
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