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Very nice. I've actually been waiting for your site to come back; this added a little sunshine to my day. :) No breakage here (Win XP/IE 6, NN6, Opera 6), but there is a funny white bar running down the right-hand side of where the shout box comes out. Nothing serious, and I wouldn't have even noticed it had I not compared the site in three different browsers. Speaking of the shout box (that is what you call those things, right?), I didn't notice it at first (yes, even with the "CLICK ME" text...). You might want to make it a bit more conspicuous, or at least label it. I'm not sure why you have it hidden, but I suppose that's personal preference. (I also just noticed this, from the main text: "you can dribble over there on the right." Is that supposed to refer to the shout box, or was there something that I missed?) Overall, I think it's quite nice. Simple, elegant.
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