OZONE Asylum
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Building It Correctly From the Ground Up (I hope!)
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This is my first time utilising the new principles of design that I have learned from this forum, so I am sure that there are plenty of things I am overlooking. However, I only have one page up, so I hope I am not too far off the mark yet! There isn't a whole lot to look at, but I want to be sure I am thinking with the new lexicon that I've been given from the Asylum. Here's the URL and a little info: [url=http://www.worldcrown.com/clients/lha/index.htm]LHA[/url] The design is mostly at the client's request (lots of white space, an intro page with links only, use the house image as much as possible, etc.). I am mostly interested in creating GOOD design, with regards to code and using css properly. So, my questions are: 1. Is there anything I can do with this spartan page differently that would reflect better code? 2. Are there elements that I could incorporate into an external style sheet that I haven't? 3. Any other suggestions? I'd appreciate any honest criticism you could provide. Thanks! [img]http://www.worldcrown.com/asylum/nsiggysoup.gif[/img]
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