OZONE Asylum
Site reviews!
Building It Correctly From the Ground Up (I hope!)
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Some thoughts offhand (I don't have a whole lot fo time at the moment) - 1) I like the house image 2) The logo, as has been metnioned, is terribly jagged. I think you basically have two options (ok 3) at this point - *Find the font it was done with, and remake it *Get permission from the client to remake it with a similar font *Get out your pen tool and trace it out 3) The graphics for text on the boxes of links are not a good idea for a variety of reasons. Some have been mentioned already. The font used for those is also rather unattractive, and the drop shadow on mouseover cements it in as a certified 'bad thing'. 4) Spartan is fine and dandy, and simplicity is always a good thing. But I think this is simply too bland in both appearance and structure. There is nothing to indicate visually where the important parts of the page are. There is nothing to make my eyes move through the page. Dragging some of the existing colors from the logo into the page is a good start. I would also drop the white background, and go with either a very pale grey or a pale beige version of the brown that is there. Like I said, these are just some offhand thoughts, if I get a chance later I'll add some more conrete ideas. [url=http://in-dented.com/asylum.php] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url]
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