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OK, here goes: [b]Basic Layout[/b] Pretty straightforward. Interesting graphic on the top, menu bar beneath that, content window below that. Clean and simple. That's always a plus in my book. And I like the blue, too. The only thing that bothers me is the placement of the menu links. Why are they kind of stuck in limbo there? Aligned left, centered, or aligned right would be cool, but where they are now is rather... ambiguous (sorry, doesn't really translate well). I would just go with aligned right, putting them even closer to the scrollbar. [b]CSS and HTML[/b] Ah, it's table-based. Well, that would explain why you've got a vertical scrollbar on the page--the table extends down far enough to make the scrollbar appear. (I would take out the "height: 100%" declarations--the table will expand to fit the content anyway, so if that's the way you're going to go you should probably take them out. It also might be what is causing the table to extend down further than it needs to...) And you've got an iframe. Personally, I would just go with straight, tableless (and iframe-less) CSS, but that's your choice. A few comments on your CSS. For starters, you might want to make your menu a list, and then apply your styles to that list class ([url=http://www.alistapart.com/stories/taminglists/]Taming Lists[/url] at ALA is a good resource for this). Your id names also don't seem to make too much sense. Table-site and Body-site? As long as you can keep track of them, I suppose it doesn't really matter, but the semantics freaks would recommend that your id and class names reflect what they actually do. Overall, your CSS looks more like an afterthought slapped on at the end than a coherent, unified strategy. Not sure if that helps much... Basically, I like the look of the site, but it does appear to be a bit of a mess under the hood... [Edit: If DFPunk is extinct, you might want to take it out of your sig. ;) Also, I hope my comments here were organized well enough to be of some help. I just get the feeling that I was kind of jumping back and forth.] [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/suho1004.gif[/img] [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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