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End chaos - a new start for me
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First impression is good. Cleanly coded, except for the geocities crap. Incomplete doctype - might want to take a look at [url=http://www.alistapart.com/stories/doctype/]http://www.alistapart.com/stories/doctype/[/url] - (actually it might be right, but IE won't think it is)... you're using lowercase in the HTML and uppercase in the CSS. (for instance, you're using <div> tags in the HTML but "DIV" as your CSS selectors. same for class names.) CSS is case sensitive, so you should keep the case consistent. I recommend lowercase, since XHTML requires lowercase (so the conversion is easier if you ever decide to make it). Perhaps a little more padding in the grey area would be nice, and the right margin seems sort of large. You should put alt text in your image. I suggest "Ending Chaos" since that's what the image says =) Here's an interesting thing. You're wrapping your menu's <ul> in a <div>. Why are you doing that? You can elliminate the redundant div tag, assign the id directly to the <ul>, and just slightly change the CSS selector and the code will be a tiny bit better. Maybe you had reasons. Please don't use align="center". You can center things with CSS if you use a correct doctype (see above) and use margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;.
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