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That's a definite improvement. I especially like the title graphic. When you say you didn't use any green, though, does that mean you removed the green from the picture? Don't be afraid to use green (or red, for that matter). Your site colors are extremely neutral right now, so no matter what you have in that title graphic it's not going to clash. The livlier the better, I think (for example, I really like the #18 picture of the stream and the mountains--something lively like that). Good work on the menu, too. I still get scrollbars at 800x600, though. If you're going to use a fixed layout, you might want to make it just a tad smaller, and center it on the page so it doesn't look so odd in higher resolutions. It is, of course, up to you whether or not you want to use a fluid or fixed layout. If the content-stretching issue is the only thing stopping you, though, then I think you should give it a try. The content-stretching problem can be alleviated by the judicious use of whitespace, and perhaps a rearrangement of elements. Right now you are thinking in a fixed manner, but if you think in a fluid manner anything is possible. Yes, I know that's extremely cryptic and vague. *sits cross-legged on the floor, presses palms together and chants, "Be the water, feel it flow around your soul..."* :D Seriously, though, even if you do stick with the fixed layout, you might consider a little more padding for the content. As it is, you've got pretty much wall-to-wall text, and that's never a good thing. I once heard that the ideal reading length for a line was about 12-13 words (can't remember where I heard or read that, of course). I don't know if that's a hard an fast rule, but having to track from the ultimate right of the page all the way back to the left can be difficult. Give the words some room to breathe, and don't feel that you have to take up every bit of screen space with content. Quite an improvement over the first version, though, both inside and out.
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