OZONE Asylum
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As I was ultra-bored...
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Let me guess, you got the inspiration for the titlebars from the winXP silver theme? They are almost identical... The similarity might be good since user who use that theme might feel 'more at home', but I personally dislike that theme (and most other window' themes for that matter). The scrollbar in the latest articles/login section doesn't really fit in either. To get it to fit in with the rest of the page you should either remove it all togheter or use a costume made scrollbar. Except from the those two things I like the layout. Nice colors and logical placement of everything. The page breaks in both Opera7 and Mozilla 1.2.1. In Mozilla I get both a horizontal scrollbar and a vertical scrollbar along with the scrollbar in the latest articles/login section. The Articles <div> also covers the whole screen width so I can't see the menu. The background behind the Articles title is also plain grey, so there is some problem there with the title bar as well... In Opera there is a small margin around the main div, since I've my default background color set to blue I then get a not-so-nice blue border around the whole thing. The article section is also placed bellow the menu. In Opera there is no scrollbar in the latest article/login section, so instead the whole div is expands bellow the main div. You probably didn't understand what I meant by that, so I'll post a [url=http://www.p-design.net/ozone/dms.jpg]screenshot[/url] of it as well. On line 21 you've forgotten the equal sign in <div id"sub0"></div>... You might want to run the site through [url=http://validator.w3.org/]a validator[/url] as well, since it doesn't comply to all the standards of html 4.0 right now... _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero" [This message has been edited by Veneficuz (edited 03-25-2003).]
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