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Much better :) In Mozilla and Opera 7 there is a slight difference in the top position of the 'The servings...' area and the 'Pure content...' area. The 'Pure content...' is a couple of pixels closer to the top of the page. You should do something about the box that surrounds the menu item when you hover over them. As it is now some of the links appear on one line when not hovered over, but when I hover over them they switch too two lines. The simple solution to this would be to make the 'bounding box' wider so it encompasses the whole link. In Mozilla I also get a horizontal scrollbar in the archive/login section when I view it at something around 800x600. Not sure why since nothing uses the whole space, but it is still there. You should add some description and keyword meta-tags to the beginnig of the document... _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
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