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quick question on cross-browser/version testing
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I am going to go a completely different route with this. [url=http://validator.w3.org/]http://validator.w3.org/[/url] [url=http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/]http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/[/url] The above links are to the HTML and CSS validators. If your pages validate then that is all you need, they shoud degrade nicely on older browsers. There is really no way to test your pages against all the browsers that are out there, nor should you need to. I can come up with a huge list of browsers that you might validate against, i am prolly going to end up listing a bunch below, but, all in all you should not work to validate in all of these. Validate to the standards and your browser of choice. Make sure it looks good in IE 6.0 which is the major browser right now, and all the others should follow, just make sure not to use elements that don't work well in the others. Mozilla IE6.0/Win IE6.0/Mac IE5.5/Win IR5.5/Mac NS7.0 NS4.7/Win NS4.7/Mac NS4.7/*nix Opera6.0 Opera7.0 Lynx Amaya And so many other browsers that fall in between all the rest. There are probabally 10 times the number of browsers out there than I listed above, and there is no way to test them all. That is what the emerging standards are about. Make sure it all works in the browser of your choice, and that the page validates. You could do more, but why would you want to continue the browser wars. Make your page strive for the standards and all other will follow. When I do my hard development, I make sure that I validate, but at the same time I leave my email up there for people who have problems. I get a number of emails from people and I fix the errors as they come up. Just yesterday I had someone complain about an error in NS4.7/linux. I do not know why someone would be using NS on linux, but it is still a problem, and I would not have been able to find it if the user didn't point it out. [url=http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Stu/dcurran] [img]http://www.sinc.stonybrook.edu/Stu/dcurran/siggy_004.gif[/img] [/url] [url=http://www.sinc.stonybrook.edu/Stu/dcurran/]Me[/url]
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