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transit(626)... Sound stuff.
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Ok then, this isn't your average web page (what is an average web page?)... It's basically just about screwing around with javascript, sound, quicktime audio, midi and some photographs. I've tested it on IE6 and Mozilla/NS7. I know for a fact that it won't work for IE5.x Mac, NS6 or Opera and well, I don't care. It should however work for NS7/Mozilla on the Mac but I haven't tested that yet. Oh yah, NS7/Mozilla also require QuickTime 6 as that's the only version that supports Mozilla's plugin-scripting API. I also found out that a re-release of the Flash MX plugin can be scripted to in Mozilla not too. Yay! Anyways, it be here: [url=http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/QUT/KMB626/]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/QUT/KMB626/[/url] I'm still playing with bits and pieces here and there. I'm trying to get something to stream (an audio file played in the background to be exact) without using any kind of server to stream it, is that possible with quicktime? I also realise that a lot of this would be easier if I could use flash/shockwave but the assignment brief said I couldn't. It should be relatively fast, fast enough for dial-up users execpt for the "emptyness" section. If you do have broadband, can you tell me weather or not "emptyness" works?.. ie, are there two seperate background songs playing?
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