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transit(626)... Sound stuff.
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Yes, the tables suck. Usually I avoid using tables for layout like the plague but I was running short on time and opted to just output my slices from Photoshop and run with that. I'd say I'll fix it later but now that it's online and working I seriously doubt that'll happen. I have to start on my next assignment on monday if I want to get it done on time! You don't like the text links?... Hmm.. Ok then. I'll have a play with some icons but I kinda like the red line those links made. Maybe some little black and red icons. =) Edit: I just got off Q with Jason who was having some issues with the site. If your using IE you need to enable active X controls for quicktime if you heen't done so in the past as this feature is disabled by default. It should pop open a dialoge asking you to do so when you enter the site for the first time. If you don't the javascript won't be able to talk to quicktime and you'll get Javascript errors. I'll update the front page with a warning message about this soonish. [This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 03-29-2003).]
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