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Luxo_Jr: I'm aware that this is a review of something you've poured a lot of time and effort into but that goes for just about every site reviewed here and it doesn't give you a right to go and be rude to someone who has taken the time to review your website (after having to jump through numerous unnecessary hoops before hand) esp. when the comments seemed perfectly reasonable given what I've seen which, granted, isn't an awful lot as I had to give up eventually as it was taking so long to download (and I'm on cable). And it doesn't matter what everyone else has done we have to judge this on its merits. As has been said if you just wanted people to say nice things about it then you'll either need to have done a very nice job or you need to have posted it elsewhere. You are perfectly welcome to take or leave any advice, ideas, etc. that people throw in here and you don't have to thank them but you really can't just start abusing them (see the FAQ in my sig). ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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