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WIP : WolfenMedia
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Wow... yes, "empty" is a good description. As it stands, the design is [b]very[/b] sparse. I'm not against minimalism, of course, but there's not really much to chew on here. V had some good suggestions, and I'll just add a few thoughts... The horizontal rules on the front page--what purpose do they serve? The content is enclosed in the table box, so there's really nothing for the rule to separate. If the rules are there simply to add something to the page, they are [b]definitely[/b] being used in the wrong way (and it should also say something about the sparseness(?) of the design). The table borders... they just aren't that pretty, to be honest with you. V suggested checking out CSS for layout, and I would second that suggestion. It's amazing what you can do with CSS, and how much easier it is to make a nice looking page. For starters, you might want to check out [url=http://www.bluerobot.com/web/layouts/]BlueRobot's Layout Reservoir[/url]. They have some ready-made CSS templates to get you started. The current design you have there would be even simpler, since the elements (menu and content) would just flow one after another (as far as your menu goes, ALA has a nice article on using [url=http://www.alistapart.com/stories/taminglists/]CSS for lists[/url], and one of the techniques is to turn a list into a horizontal menu). Some other nitpicky stuff... You definitely need some space between the borders of your box (be it a table or CSS) and your text. As it is, it runs up right against the edges. Yes, a rollover (or simple hover effect, easy with CSS) would be nice for the menu. You didn't specify a font (again, easy to do in CSS), which means that a lot of visitors will see Times New Roman, which is absolutely hideous for online reading (just my very biased opinion, of course). What else? Ah, yes: color. It is your friend. :) Hope I wasn't too harsh. Stop by the basement if you're feeling blue--I think I have some biscuits lying around. ;) [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/fortunes/fortune_cookie.php[/img] [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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