OZONE Asylum
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Well, if your target audience for the site are web designers, creative media directors or anyone doing business in the web then don't you think they'll appreciate someone who designs for the medium? After all, this is the web, and people do have different screen resolutions. Don't get me wrong here, you have some fantastic work there but limiting your site to one resolution kinda shows that your sharpened multimedia design skills can't realistically be applied to the web. If they could then part of your design would have been to cater for variable screen resolutions would it not? If your one of them folks that likes to look at design as a form of creative problem solving then the huge screen resolution requirement shows a problem that you kinda forgot to design for. Not something I'd personally want to send out to prospective employers. What you've got at the moment demonstrates a nice skill set in using flash and audio as well as a strong understanding of interactive media but by restricting the work to that kind of extreme resolution your basically saying you know little about how to design well for the web, regardless of weather or not that's actually true. Another thing, about the splash page... What?s it there for? Do you really need it? What purpose does the splash page actually serve? You're opening the window under it regardless of the users screen resolution or flash player version anyhow so I fail to see why you need a splash screen at all. If your dead set on using one then maybe it would be better to use the splash screen to try and detect the site's requirements through JavaScript then simply redirect to the main content page if all the requirements are found or simply stay on the splash page (which would display the site's requirements) if you couldn't detect everything that was needed. [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url]
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