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Do really need to launch the page into a pop-up window? Pop-ups are generally bad and anoying for the user, and in your case it doesn't seem like you need it for the design either. I'm browsing with pop-up windows disabled, so when I entered your page nothing happened. All I got was a blank browser window. If I had just dropped by the site from Google or somewhere else I would then have left the page assuming it was broken, and I think most other people would have done the same. If you decide to keep the pop-up at least add a note on the first page telling the user that a pop-up was supposed to have been opened. Once I got into the page it didn't work. The flash movie loaded and after clicking through the splash screen(which you don't need either) all I got was a big picture off a bee... _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
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