OZONE Asylum
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Ok, I'm not gonna be as nice as Suho... Start designing for the *web* and stop making excuses. It's a simple fact that things like full screen and pop-up windows annoy people. Web browsers have address bars, tool bars and all that "not standard shit" because their usefull and people get annoyed when you take it away from them. Your designs should be coded so that they will work with the web browser instead of against it. I don't think it's the browser vendors fault for making their toolbar 2px wider than their competetor, i think it's your failing as a designer to compotently design around these issues. Am I being Hush? Definatly, but after 22 posts you still don't seem to see what everyone else sees. Your site isn't exempt from these simple facts and no design will be strong enough to overshadow the removal of the users core functionality. Think about the sites you visit and use most often, do they use pop-up windows and remove your browsers toolbars?... I doubt it. So if you don't seem to have an attraction to sites with a limited ammount of functionality why should you expect others to think it's ok for your site to do this? [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/files/images/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url]
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