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chooklaglouz: And you have a fullscreen popup followed by another one with the main site in. The main site has a close screen button but the first splash screen doesn't so if you have any tips for getting rid of the bloody thing (without having to shut all IE windows down) I'd be most appreciative. You mentioned video games but you should understand that you aren't designing for video games (or TV or magazines or CD-ROMs) you are designing for the web and you need to make your design flexible enough to cope with people viewing your site at different resolutions and with different browsers - you are currently trying to force a square peg through a round hole and you are going to lose some corners in the process. I do really like the look and the graphics - it can be tricky working whch so much of that strong yellow and I think you've pulled it off well but there are design and conceptual issues that really need to be addressed first. It wouldn't really be fair offering more of a review as I'm not using the correct resolution (and I'm not changing it either - you should really make sure your pages work in 800x600 so demanding 1280x1024 seems unreasonable) and things are clearly breaking. Anyway keep up the good work - you've clearly put a lot of effort into this and it is working (to a degree) but you need to design for the medium. ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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