OZONE Asylum
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Flower design site ready for review.
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Looks good, very good. I'm a little...uh, what's the right word...disheartened(?) by your use of tables for layout instead of going all CSS, but most clients don't care so I suppose that is an academic issue to be argued among web developers. There are little coding things like making sure all your numbers have units: <img src="gfx/mardigras_thn.jpg" alt="" width="111" height="175" border="0" class="fimg"> becomes <img src="gfx/mardigras_thn.jpg" alt="" width="111px" height="175px" border="0px" class="fimg"> I personally have zero issue with using pop-up windows in the way you describe. I'd recommend a note of warning, just to be polite. The visual appeal is great. Truly, I expected nothing less from you. Honestly, I'm not sure what seperate purposes are served by a portfolio AND a gallery. Maybe there are, but I can't think of any right now. Recommendation for cool feature: That quote that sits just below the logo, "Reflection is a flower of the mind..." -- unless that quote has some very special significance, it would be really cool if that little piece was a flash file or animated gif and subtly 'shape morphed' into a new quote every 60 seconds or so. Maybe it wouldn't work, but I think if this was my project I'd try it. To work at all I think it'd have to be subtle -- so subtle a viewer probably wouldn't notice it happening unless they were specifically staring at that region of the screen.
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