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Thumper: I think you've done a really good job there - the old site wasn't anything special but that works well. I'm not overly fond of the green but I suspect you didn't have a choice ;) Some thoughts: 1. You are doing a stretching kind of thing wih the top graphic aren't you? I'm not sure it is that trick or the 'base' graphic but there is some slight jagginess on the curves either side of the peak. 2. You really need a DOCTYPE. 3. You have tables nested at least 4 deep - I'm sure there is really no need for more than 1 table there. 4. Think about also using the TITLE attribute instead of the ALT - the ALT should be used to describe the actual graphic although it has been used as a tooltip in the absence of god support for the TITLE attribute but that support now exists. 5. The Simulator text is smaller than the rest of the menu - I'd think about using less text and bumping it back up to the same size as the others (how about just simluator?). In fact it might just be me but the text size there seems a little variable and you try and keep it consistent if it isn't my tired old eyes playing me up ;) 6. On the simulator page I'd only have the glasses appear over the eye chart - I was wondering why it didn't work on the photograph. Anyway its good work - nice, clean and simple and everything seems to work well, What more could you want?? ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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