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Ahhhh now that's a good question. In this case, there's no online tool available. However, the assertion "ECMA compliant" is based on the fact the script does the same at each and every point of it on most browsers. That is, the type and values handled by each and every function are fully coherent on several browsers. Get what comes out of "thisFunction" on IE, it is exactly the same as what comes out of the same function in Opera. [url=http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/ECMA-262.HTM]http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/ECMA-262.HTM[/url] Basically, the only real "alternative" to ecmascript in browsers is, once again, delivered by MS. In essence, ecma script is "just the core of javascript", document, window, document.getElementById do not belong to ecmascript, they belong to DOM technology. DOM technology is something else. [url=http://www.w3.org/DOM/]http://www.w3.org/DOM/[/url] Javascript is: the core syntax of javascript (things like conditional structures: if(), the way to declare functions, operators like +=, &=, core Objects - 5 in javascript). So basically, as long as your script has a valid syntax (doesn't throw errors, as long as you make "normal" javascript and don't have syntax errors in it), it is valid ecmascript. If it does work on the three major browsers, and this without making browser detection or specific additions, it is using a valid DOM. And for the rest (data == xhtml and layout == css), there are validators available. ...this said... I recommend you to try javascript in other contexts: mainly, javascript with SVG. It will let you know what changes and what remains, what is "core" ecmascript and what is not. I just chose to call it ECMA in the above post because I'm exhausted by all the times I hear people mistaking java for javascript: it is an insult to both technologies, aside of being a proof of ignorance. I'm also exhausted by MS's policy regarding Java and javascript, and how they abuse the terms and names "JScript, MS Java VM, J++ or J#... It can be compared to marketing a "BRAND NEW BEVERAGE CALLED KOKA COLA" Instead of the regular Coca-cola... So Javascript==Ecmascript: Don't let the MS crippled jscript misguide you ;) [This message has been edited by InI (edited 04-16-2003).]
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