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Hehe... yeah, style sheets [b]are[/b] fun, aren't they? :D As Drac said, it's looking pretty good. I think you've done a good job with this. I'd like to comment more on the centered text, though, because I think it's important (and you've had the centered text from the start). Drac is right--centered text [b]is[/b] harder to read. The reason is that your eye has to find the beginning of the line each time you finish the previous line. If the text is left aligned, all lines begin at the same point. If the text is centered (or, God forbid, right aligned), each line begins at a different point, which means you're eye has to go searching every time. True, it may not take long (less than a second), but the more text you have the more noticeable it becomes. Sorry to go on such a rant here, but since you seem to have the other aspects of the site nailed down, I just really wanted to encourage you to consider left aligned text. It is your choice, of course, and I don't think the centered text hurts the site too much, but it is something to consider. [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/fortunes/fortune_cookie.php[/img] [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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