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Thanks for the screenshots, Drac. I've made a few changes and reuploaded: - The header image is in place. I've redone the header styles, and I hope that should fix it up in some of the mac browsers, including the position of the catch phrase. Let me know what you think of the new header image. - Lightened text on the index page. (Did I overdo it? Sometimes it's hard to tell with my LCD screen.) - Turned the three columns into a simple table. This should hopefully fix some of the column-footer overlapping that was present in many of the mac screenshots. - The image along the top of the content page has changed. It should look a little bit better now. Let me know what your opinions are. I'm still having problems with the little + and - images preloading. (Specifically, when you click on a menu item, the - image doesn't appear immediately.) I can't figure out why for the life of me; I've never had problems with image preloads before. I'm also still unsatisfied with the small column on the right of the content on the content page. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Drac, I hope I'm not asking too much, but it'd be great if you could see how the page does in those browsers again. I'm not too hopeful about Opera 6 (especially since that's outdated now), but I'd like for it to work in the other browsers.
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