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Yeah, those aliased gifs have to go. As for a description of Krets? page... dude, click the link in his sig. :) Anyways, I'd use PNG images instead of different image files as background images. You'll probably save space with PNG's. The overall visual design is nice, as are the different styles although if your going to have different styles, you have the ability to play with it more. As it currently stands the colours and tonal values of each style are very similar. Mix it up a bit; light, dark, contrast, and saturation... their all yours to play with now. You users will choose whatever appeals to them. Suho's styles are a good example of this, each style sheet had a very different feeling, yours just seem to alter the colour, but ultimately, it?s your site so that's up to you. I think the way the menu works is fine. It functions just like a windows file menu although many web savvy users will feel more comfy with the mouseOver triggering the expanded menu. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, but I'd say you should set it up for the kind of people who would most often visit your site. The text colours of the links in the menu are always blue on mouseOver. This doesn't always seem to gel with the colour scheme. I'd also like to see some kind of mouseOver highlight for the actual style change buttons, even if it's a simple cursor change to 'hand'. At the moment, it's hard to tell that their clickable at all. Also, a tooltip to expand on what that letter in the box means would be handy. Whenever you're building custom interface elements you should always try and maintain any conventions like the 'hand' cursor for clickable elements. Also, with the menu, the links only work when the mouse is over the text itself, to make it work for the entire area that the background colour covers set the links to dispkay:block, set their width to a static value the width of the menu and set a background colour for mouseOut (even if it's the same colour as the menu). This will cause the link hotspot to expand to fill the box that the background colour is in. Assuming your doing all of this with CSS at least... if your using tabels to layout the menus then I'm not sure how you'd fix that. You should also try and maintain all of your interface elements across all states of the site, navigation elements are a given but since style switching elements effect the visual display globally they should be accessible globally as well. Overall I think you?ve done a fantastic job. It?s very clean and very usable. Good stuff! [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/files/images/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url]
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