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Vanilla Cadence - Experiments in Sound
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OK, I haven't been around here that much lately, but I'm back in action! I always love looking at Drac's stuff, 'cause it's just so [i]purty[/i]. You want gripes and complaints, though? OK... First off, the rotating cursor arrow drives me batty. I found myself focusing on clickable items just to get the blasted thing to stop spinning. I really don't see how it adds anything to the site. If anything it takes away from the beauty and simplicity of the design with its incessant spinning. It's very difficult to concentrate on enjoying the sublimity of the site. OK, now that we've got that out of the way, I like the interface: clean and easy to use. The site is also very beautiful both visually and aurally. The typography, however, is not working (and when I say "not working," I mean that I'm assuming what I'm seeing is not intentional, at least partly). The font used for the directions in Storm Scape is so small that I can barely read the text. Also it appears to be a different font face entirely. The font appears fine (both size and font face) in the Engine Sim, though. So I'm going to assume that the font in Storm Scape is somehow broken, and what I see in Engine Sim is what you intended. I have to say, though, while I think the font you have chosen is OK for titles, I really don't like it as a body text font. It is not the easiest font to read, and it is difficult to distinguish certain letters, especially "a" and "o" (I first thought that "Storm Scape" was "Storm Scope"). I would personally go with a sans serif body font for the text instructions. Also, you have committed one of Suho's Seven Sins (I'll tell you what the other six are when I figure them out): no encoding. I have actually seen this a lot in Shockwave sites, so maybe it is Macromedia that has committed the sin and not you (I have no idea how Shockwave works). At any rate, in the Engine Sim text, where it reads "bee's wings," I see a funky Korean symbol instead of the apostrophe s. I know most people will not have this problem, but it happens to be one of my pet peeves ([url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1038]ahem[/url]). One more thing: I'm not sure how you would work this in, but it might be nice to be able to distinguish the dots from each other--that is, be able to tell which one if the storm, rain, stream, etc. It's not vital, I don't think, but it would be a nice addition. So, have I rambled on enough? I really liked this one, and while the Engine Sim sound pretty much drove me nuts, the Storm Scape is very relaxing. In fact, I still have that one running. Nice work. [img]http://liminality.org/asylum/sigs/[/img] [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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