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css and color -- pt I
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UPDATED VERSION ---------------------------------- [b]Preamble:[/b] Michael has been gracious in lending to me space on his server. For that I am thankful. That being said, it will soon be time for this little bird to get wings of his own and learn to fly. Consider this a practice run. This isn't really a site. It is the next step toward me getting my own site. I'm starting to play with some ideas about layout and color and I was hoping to run this all by you before I went any further. I hope you don't mind. Any thoughts, advice, critique, etc about layout, color, and the code behind the scenes are absolutely desired and appreciated. [b]Layout:[/b] Is it clean and attractive? Does it lead your eye to the relevant parts of the page? Does it make you want to stick around and read or run like hell? [b]Color:[/b] I've never been much of a color man before. This is my first exploration into really thinking about color and making something coherent and purposeful. [b]CSS/coding:[/b] I've looked at this thing in IE 5.5 and NN 6.0, both on Windows machines. So far it works as expected. The results from any other devices, browsers or operating systems would be much appreciated. This is a fairly complicated CSS layout (at least it was for me!) but I think I pulled it off. Please tell me what you think and where it can be improved. [url=http://mobrul.formclot.net/oa/test.htm]html page[/url] [url=http://mobrul.formclot.net/oa/testStyle2.css]style sheet[/url] [This message has been edited by mobrul (edited 06-11-2003).]
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