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css and color -- pt I
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Ok, I don't have enough time for a full review but I'll throw in some long-winded comments and come back later. [b]Layout:[/b] Solid! I like. However, if does leave something to be desired and it's a little overwhelming. I like that it's liquid but because you have text running from one edge of the browser screen to the other, it looks like your trying to say too much all at once. Although, this could be cleared up with some CSS magic. First of all, the paragraphs of text look downright frighting. Too packed in, too numerous, too much work on my behalf (the user) to even bother to start reading it all. If you increase the line-height and margins but quite a lot, the whole site should begin to look more inviting to the casual passer by. Secondly, the fonts used look quite varied at the moment. I realise your only using 2 / 3 fonts max but you should try and apply a simple system to it all. Keep all headings as the serif font, all other text as sans-serif. The quote in the middle column look really out of place, as does the menu links. I realise the menu could be seen as a heading but you've put headings on the menu itself so to help reinforce that harmony in the type, try making the menu links sans-serif, and try to unify the type sizes as much a possible. [b]Colour:[/b] - Us aussies like our color with a U :) Again, very solid, but some things seem a little off. Although, colour is a very personal thing so I'll try not to comment on the colours you've chosen on a personal level. So, personal afflictions aside, I'm glad you don't have any cool colours at all; not all colour schemes need cool colours but you also don't have any really bold colours and you don't have any crisp colours, which can cause problems. I use the term crisp to refer to any colour that is below/above a certain level of both brightness and saturation. If you take a screen capture of your page and load that into Photoshop then desaturate it completely, you'll see that there's very little tonal contrast in there. Furthermore, their all pastels and you don't have much contrast between the saturation of each colour. Lastly, you have hardly any contrast between colour hues. All of this combined creates a rather muddied feel. The eye isn't drawn to any particular point as no colour stands out above any other in any overly contrasting way except the background, in which every colour contrasts against equally, give or take a little. And that's about all I have time for; I?ll test it in other browser later if someone else doesn?t beat me to it :) [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/files/images/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url]
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