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css and color -- pt I
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And changed again. Added more padding to the bottom of the featuredNav box, added a bottom border to the sidebar, added some left margin to the navigation, got rid of the letter-spacing in the navigation, added some padding to the bottom of the page, played with the paragraphs a bit, increased line-height in the sidebar headings...I think that's all. I tried playing with the idea of running the paragraphs together with an indention and did not like it much. Like most people, I guess, once upon a time that is how I wrote things -- school papers, work reports, e-mails, letters, etc. Paragraphs all running together, indented first line, left aligned. Somewhere along the way I became enamored with the look of justified paragraphs with significant space between them. Now that is the way I write most things. One thing I do want to try is playing with the look of the first letter of paragraphs. I know I can use p:first-letter. The problem is finding a style I like that will look nice and fit with the 'theme' of the page. Maybe no such style exists. Maybe it's a dumb idea. I don't know yet, but I'm searching. I had this idea about that bg image in the header. I think I'm going to put my camera on a tripod and take a full 360 deg series of shots of a place (in b/w), stitch all the shots together in photoshop and then use that panaoramic as the bg. It could seamlessly repeat every 850 or so pixels. Maybe I could take many of these types of photos and then randomly select one each time...I think I like that idea. I'm really glad I've started this exercise...I've learned a lot and have certainly improved the quality of the design with all your help. Please, please, please keep it coming.
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