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css and color -- pt I
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I am talking about drop caps. The more I play, the less I am convinced I'm going to find something satisfactory. I'm gonna keep trying a bit longer, but I don't really see this going anywhere. Drac, (for the sake of friendliness with Aussies, I've added a 'u' to all mentions of the word 'color') In your first post way ^^ there, you said something about loading a screen shot into PS and desaturating. You said that there was little tonal contrast, little contrast of saturation and little contrast between hues. I've gathered from the tone that this is a bad thing =) but I don't know why it is bad and I don't know what is good. Help? Where (online, book, whatever) can I learn about colour theory, 'rules' of colour design, etc? Last art class I had was in grammer school. I took some video and film aesthetics classes at the university, but that was mostly about lighting. Can you offer me some direction? Also, I don't understand what you mean by 'crisp' colours. I understand (I think!) warm colors -- red, orange, yellow -- and cool colours -- blue, purple, green most of the time -- but I don't know 'crisp'. Please explain.
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