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Silver Dragon Studios
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I like the color, the muted tone. The text is really really tiny though, and that can be annoying to some. With the spelling, I concur with Suho; definitely better to check the spelling. As far as the plz abbreviation, it depends on your audience. If you are using this as a professional portfolio site, then make the writing professional. If not, do as you please. On the art page, I'm not crazy about how the links look. For some reason, they remind me of Front Page. They kind of look like the buttons that come native with Front Page themes. But to say something other than "I don't like to be reminded of Front Page", all that color on your links doesn't go well with the muted tone of the layout. One odd thing; in IE 6.0, when I click on a link the image at the top with the dragon resets; like you can see the background image squirm a bit as it resets. In Netscape 7.0, this does not happen. Strange. Overall, good strong design, but I might fine tune it a bit. By the way, I noticed you've got the site in frames, and it pre-loaded, which made me think at first that it was a Flash page, but now it doesn't seem to be Flash. how was the site created, if you don't mind sharing? [img]http://www.dramabug.com/sigs/nicekitty.gif[/img]
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