OZONE Asylum
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thought 1) wow that logo and header are *huge*!! thought 2) Tables just look terrible. loose the tables altogether as there is nothing there complicated enough to warrant their use, and they just look....bad. thought 3) Flash?? :o for this? I would *really* be peeved if I came to this site and had to download flash and all just to see some simple buttons that I wouldn't know were flash in the first place... thought 4) who squished the United Way logo? =) Ok, now I'm sure that sounded harsh, but really, it's not. The logo takes up *way* too much screen real estate, the flash has gotta go - there's just no reason for it (and it's not a good idea to use a technology not everyone is going to have when there's no reason to), and the tables just make the site look like an old throwback 90's page ;) Aside from those issues (and those issues are two things: important, and easy to fix), the colors, layout, and general look and feel are just dandy. [url=http://in-dented.com/asylum.php] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url]
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