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Dracusis - thank you. The lack of a picture is something that has been incorporated into the new design, which is still being prepared. Today I had somewhat of a breakthough on the design ideas, they want the flash buttons to stay, no if and or butts. They have now been incorporated into the top graphic, with a mission statement, and the overall layout is slightly different. There are a bucnh of pics that will be incorporated into it also, and actually they didn't want pictures initially. Don't ask. I should be finished with the new design sometime this week. So as it stands right now, the site that is currently up there is old hat. Plus it's only there for them for the moment to view and make changes. The actual fully working site will hopefully be up the end of the week. Until then I'm not going to post on it, and will do so when it's up and working. Thanks everyone, really appreciate the feedback and comments. :) [img]http://www.mob68.com/sig.gif[/img]
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