OZONE Asylum
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[quote]even though you practically only said it was crap[/quote] Uh...no. That's not what he said at all. He pointed out some issue that the site had.... =) As far as the Flash goes, I heartily agree. Flash simply for the sake of saying "look, i did this with flash" doesn't make sense to me. That could be a static image and be just as effective with a smaller file size and less of a chance that it will cause problems (for instance, when I looked at the page earlier, from work, I apparently don't have the proper version of flash, and so there was nothing but a big empty space at the top). I would strongly recommend dropping the Flash and just making it a static image. The color scheme, as Suho said, is certainly not exciting, but it works. I think the actual content needs some *serious* vamping up theough, visually. Right now, the header and links are getting *all* the attention, and the content is just nonchalantly dumped in the center. Not good. Remember that there is a big difference between a personal or design oriented site, and a business site. You need to have that content be the complete and total focus of that site, or your defeating the purpose of having a website for the business at all. Larger text, more tonal variation, more bold headings, etc. Cut down the size of that header image, cut down the size of the nav links, and vamp up the content. Now, that aside, it seems to be a well put together site. It's just hard to tell with so much focus on the things that are the least important. [url=http://in-dented.com/asylum.php] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 07-01-2003).]
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