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Smash: Believe me, friend, if I wanted to say that your web page was crap you'd know it. ;) It's not crap, though. It has potential, it just also has some (to borrow DL's term) issues. As for the Flash being by request, well, that certainly does make a handy excuse, but I don't think it holds water. The job of a web designer (from what I understand, not being a professional web designer myself) is not to cater to every ridiculous whim the client may have, but to build the client a quality site. Just because the client says they want a silly, pointless Flash gimmick doesn't mean you have to bend over and pull down your pants (sorry for the graphic image, but that's how I feel about Flash for Flash's sake). Instead, you could present a convincing case for [b]not[/b] using Flash. If you do a good job and the client has any common sense, the request may be retracted. It is, of course, possible to get a client with no common sense whatsoever. Personally, I wouldn't work for such a client. Yes, I know I'm not a web designer, but I am a translator, and I have clients too. And I don't let them push me around with ridiculous requests. So, really, it [b]is[/b] up to you. [Edit: Aaarrgh... grammar.] OK, rant done. :) [This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 07-03-2003).]
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