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Only twenty-five hours later and we have a link. You do realize that that's like 50 years in Asylum time, right? ;) OK, the review. Not a bad idea for the visual design, but it is very graphic-intensive, and it takes forever to load (relatively speaking), even on my cable modem. Maybe the connection was just slow when I was viewing your site, I dunno. (Apparently this was the case, as it seems to be OK now.) Encoding, check. That's a good start. The front page bugs me for a number of reasons. First of all, I have no idea where those graphics are going to take me. They remind me of Photoshop icons (this imagery is reinforced by the page background, of course), so I guess that maybe the first one is going to take me to some pen drawings, and the second one is going to take me to some brush drawings. The point is, though, that I had to [b]guess[/b]--a user should never have to guess where a link is going to take them, unless that's the whole point of the site (ie, making the user guess). At the very least, you could have added title attributes to the links, giving me a text clue in those browsers that support title (which is most of them). Secondly, the rollovers on the images themselves touch on a pet peeve of mine. Whether it be simple text links or image rollovers, the hover state should always be more visible (noticeable, outstanding, etc.) than the original state. In other words, if you want to make the original state fuzzy and the rollover state focused, fine--but don't do it the other way around. It is counterintuitive. I took a look at the #1 section first, and that is where I realized that the pen icon was supposed to symbolize writing, not pen drawings. To me, this means you didn't do your job right with the initial navigation. The whole page is set up to resemble a PS setting, so why would I expect writing? You've got to make it more clear on the front page. I don't think it would be too much to ask for simple, one-word explanations below the pictures ("writings"/"drawings", etc.). I notice you have only one writing entry so far, and the rest of them are blank. I assume you are going to fill in the rest of them, but when you do pay attention to the width of your containers--the blank entries are wider than the original width. Also, you should provide a link back to the writing index from each entry. It's no big deal to use the back button, of course, but it's nice to build in navigation for the user. Moving over to the second section, I see some nice rollovers. That is the direction rollovers should go--nice job on those. I noticed that a lot of your paintings have one point of interest on a background. One thing you might want to try for your thumbnails is focusing on that point of interest, showing a bit more detail in the thumbnail, rather than just shrinking the whole thing down. That's just a suggestion. The second thumbnail (the one that is titled "2") does not match the picture it leads to (which is "3.jpg"). Codewise, well, it's a nightmarish bog of tables. Personally I would go CSS, but I know that some people are not at that stage yet. Speaking of CSS, I have two suggestions for you: 1) get rid of those <font> tags and define your fonts in your CSS, and 2) use an external stylesheet rather than an inline stylesheet (ie, put your CSS in a separate file and link to it from your HTML). Just taking those two steps will save you a lot of bytes. Also on the code front, you need a title for your page--right now there are all titled "Untitled-1". I guess that's about it. [img]http://liminality.org/asylum/sigs/[/img] [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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