OZONE Asylum
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T4D Studio
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Well.....I don't have all that many things to say. What I do have to say, isn't all that good. 1) Coding - Doctype - good start. No encoding though....not good Uh......what the hell are all the different style tags about? :confused: Errr....tables. and lot's of 'em. Doesn;t amke sense since the page consists of a couple simple boxes.... MM_ ahhhh....ok, dreamweaver code. That explains a little.... =( 2) Visual.... ok, cliche, cliche, cliche. Washed out beige and grey, pixel fonts, completely meaningless photographs that are supposedly meant to convey something.....yadda yadda yadda.... 3) Best viewed in IE? Why? What did yo do wrong that this site shouldn't be viewed in my browser? What the hell have you done to make me use *your* browser instead?? Coding this site to work in multiple browser at mulitple resolutions wihtout the use of bizzarely complex nested tables would be about as simple as simple gets...and so....as you are tryin gto sell yourself as a 'design company' I would be quite taken aback as a potential client. 4) oh, a "news" section. Without much news....as usual. =( So...in a nutshell: bleh. Hope that doesn't seem as harsh as I know it could. It is honestly meant to be helpful......even if it's not "nice" [url=http://in-dented.com/asylum.php] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url]
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