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Thank you for all the work you did! I admire how fast you rewrote the code.. 1) "exactly as you have it" In my pindex, there is a "space" between the Logo jpeg and the Logo Lettering but not in your example..is there a way to control that space and centering of the top box logo and lettering other than my fixes? Z index?..Absolute positioning? ... without a big top graphic I have seen lettering perfectly positioned next to top graphics but I don't know how to do it..and How do I center the footer box for the copyright..? The footer will expand as I add content but I want to keep it all centered in that one #box..inside #II 2) Anyone else have any thoughts about the "yellowish" middle main section where the writing is? How about a one color background with one font color?....the dark blue with the green font the same as what is used in the header? Any suggestions? 3) The Screen Shots of the other browsers are very helpful.. 4) Some things you mention ..the jpg jpeg escaped my attention..thank you for mentioning that. The code itself must do for four pages..the fonts on the Main Page and the Sources Page may not be the same..so I am keeping it separate now..can combine it later rather than try to unravel what font goes to which page..but it is getting confusing..perhaps one style sheet page only works for very mono pages.. 5) Thank You so much review. If the graphic is good..everything else is fixable..
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