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I don't like to sound too nitpicky, but... Look into doctypes and encoding. It's just a few extra lines, but it makes a difference. As for the design... Color scheme: I've seen numerous people attempt a gray/blue color scheme (myself included), but it never comes together just right. The grays kinda fall flat, and I can see that the blues are trying to liven up the page, but they're placed rather randomly, like little splotches here are there... But, hey, why are you listening to me? My color schemes suck too, so I feel your pain ;) Layout: The "best viewed in 1024x768 screen resolution" note at the bottom of the page is [i]too[/i] literal. Better to code your tables in percentages instead of pixels. Other stuff: Your navigation scheme is confusing. I see links for "today", "this week", "this month", and you have little modules for each of these and then you have a calendar in the center, and then there's another "navigate" module on the right that contains day, week, and month again?? :confused: I dunno, maybe it all makes sense to your intended audience, but I would simplify it a bit. As soon as I hit the page, I should be able to instantly see where I want to go. Some uneven visuals: the blue bar with the header "This Week" is shorter than the gray bar on top of that with the 4 links. Why? Under "This week's events" There are some dark blue bars which not only contain nothing, but cut off before they reach the right edge. Why? Overall, though, good effort. Just try to make it a bit more liquid, maybe use a little more CSS, and get yourself a doctype and some encoding ;) [img]http://ozphactor.home.comcast.net/asylum/sig001.gif[/img]
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