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Magic: the Gathering (card game) site for review
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Yah, ditch the splash page. As for the white background, I don't seem to have a pet peeve against white as a background (which seem a rather strange thing to make a FAQ out of Rins, that's your opinion, not a frequently asked question) but the menu just doesn't fit with the rest of the site. It looks very Magic the Gathering like but it just doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. I'm not saying you should change that; perhaps you could change the rest of the site so that the menu is in less opposition to the other elements in your design. Typography could do with some attention. Use screen fonts -- fonts designed to display well on computer screens like Verdana or Georgia if you really want to use a serif font. You also shouldn?t need to use rollovers to distinguish menu links, if you do then the menu is failing on a more fundamental level, that being it's difficult to identify which selection you are making because everything is way too cramped. I think the biggest problem with the menu (more so the sub menu) is readability in general, fix that and you probably won?t need any rollover distinction. Although, with the frequency of java script enhanced sites around, rollovers are almost a given nowadays (most users almost expect them) so it?s probably a good idea, as long as it doesn?t bloat the bandwidth too much. As for the card info viewing, please use a different link colour for those, it's too confusing otherwise, and they are still links so use CSS to set the correct cursor (maybe even help cursor would be applicable for this kind of thing) for clickable elements -- always try and maintain the codes and conventions when doing stuff like this, as it is I doubt most users will ever click on something that doesn?t either have a rollover effect or an appropriate cursor change to let them know it's clickable. Oh and what the hell is with those ugly faces? They really don?t seem to fit with the whole ?magic? theme. They look like they belong on a playschool website. If you can live without them, please do. <-- Completely personal opinion. =)
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