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Magic: the Gathering (card game) site for review
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thanks for your input [quote]First of all: The spash page is not needed. Most info on that page does not matter or could go on the main page. [/quote] We are about to open up a huge card trading site and at that point, we'll need a splash page to divide the tutorial section from the trading section. When that time comes in 4 weeks, i'll ask you guys for help on how to make the best splash page. [quote]The white backround for the header is a bit anoying.. But i better explain this[/quote] which part is the "header"? [quote]Third: You are using an image map for navigating, whitout any mouseover, this is not needed but would be nicer to navigate.[/quote] i'm sorry but i don't know what u mean by "mouseover". Can you explain? [quote]Fourth: Use the same colors for the forums and the mainpage to create unity[/quote] wow i never thought about that, thanks [quote]Typography could do with some attention. Use screen fonts -- fonts designed to display well on computer screens like Verdana or Georgia if you really want to use a serif font.[/quote] what are "screen fonts"? Wait, so you want me to change the text of the whole site? Why? Is it hard to read or simply ugly? [quote]as long as it doesn?t bloat the bandwidth too much.[/quote] Well i think i know what u mean by "rollover" and I would imagine that a lot of people are still on 56k's and would appreciate the lower load times, eh? [quote]As for the card info viewing, please use a different link colour for those, it's too confusing otherwise, and they are still links so use CSS to set the correct cursor (maybe even help cursor would be applicable for this kind of thing) for clickable elements -- always try and maintain the codes and conventions when doing stuff like this, as it is I doubt most users will ever click on something that doesn?t either have a rollover effect or an appropriate cursor change to let them know it's clickable. [/quote] currently, CardInfo words are a bold blue. What's wrong with that? ARe u saying it's confusing because blue is normally reserved for hyperlinks? [url=http://www.magictutorial.com]http:// www.magictutorial.com[/url]
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