OZONE Asylum
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Transparency effects? What transparency effects? Oh, wait. Just a sec while a start up IE... Ahhh, I see it now. Very nice looking, IMHO. Unfortunately only works in IE :( I'm with InI: splash screens must die. This one's not even necessary, just default to the more common language in your region, and provide a switch on the front page for the other language. You have a doctype! :D :D (I'm such a dork, I know...) You have encoding, too but what's this? [code] <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"> [/code] 1. Clean up the code. Take out the first one. 2. What's with the weird windows encoding? Have you been using frontpage? :mad: White-on-yellow text is... blah. I don't like them. I can see you're trying to add some color, but those headers are hard to read. This is just personal preference but... maybe you could move the home button into the main navigation, where the other menus are. Right now it's just sitting in the middle of nowhere. It's probably just me, but it seems kinda awkward. Seeing as that's your first attempt at web design, I'd say it's a good effort. I also commend you for coming here for help :) [img]http://ozphactor.home.comcast.net/asylum/sig001.gif[/img]
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