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Too much, too confusing. The title of each menu section is impossible to read and the graphical elements like bevels and strokes are just getting in the way. The menu is the primary form of transportation for your users to move around your website so usability should outweight all other concerns and any aesthetic descisions should compliment the menu's usability. Also, for a left justified menu, why its contents centred? Try not to sacrifice basic typography rules just to make something look better. Centred text is not always the best option; in fact it's rarely the best option. Left justified text is a better choice because then each menu option will start at the same point along the left margin making it easier to scan through the 'list', which is effectively what a menu is, a list. I think colour is also an issue here. The background colours are too strong against the type, and the blues you've used are quite conflicting in an aesthetic sense, but that's more of a personal issue on my part.
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